Friday, June 28, 2013

5 Interesting Theories That Might Be True!

   1. We are brains in a jar:

There is a theory that actually states that we and everything around us are mere brain simulations. Think about it, if someone right now puts an electrode in your brain and stimulates the part of your brain which makes your leg rise, it will rise. If they stimulate the part which makes you see someone, you will see him/her. Think of it like this: when you are dreaming, the dream feels so real no matter how distorted and illogical it is and it all seems perfectly normal until you wake up that you realize something was wrong.
When i first heard about the theory, although interested i thought it was wrong because when you are dreaming, the stuff you see are all based on what you've seen in real life combined together in a bizarre way so if we haven't experienced anything at all how can we build experiences out of nothing? but then if we were mere brains in a jar, the "reality" we are living is all nonsense it is also a projection and what applies here doesn't have to apply there.


2. We might be living in more than one place/universe at the same time:

If you study quantum physics you'd know that a particle exists everywhere at the same time until an observer observes it, but we are made of these particles, if so we might exist in more than one place -one universe maybe- at the same time.


3. Every Black Hole Contains a Universe:

Some scientists believe that in every black hole there is a universe, if that was true why don't we assume that our universe is contained in a large black hole which is in a universe contained in another black hole and so on, and every universe has its own reality and set of laws.


4. The Current Reality is a Dream: 

Actually it really makes sense to me, when you are dreaming the dream seems as real as reality, so if reality is a dream, maybe one day when we die we will wake up in another dream and realize that we were dreaming, and then wake up in the next dream and then the next, and so on...Maybe we had a dream before we got born into this one and it was a two-dimensional world and maybe the next dream might be a four-dimensional world (I mean 4 seen and experienced dimensions).



5. We Live In The Matrix:

There is a theory that states that our universe is a simulated one running by a massive computer programmed by a very advanced civilization. Although everything around us seem so real to us but we may be mere stimulation of a computer.

What's so disturbing, yet interesting about these theories is that you can't disprove them whatsoever, and if any of them is true, then what a huge lie life is... think of all the scientists studying a non-existing world, imagine yourself putting huge amount of effort in your dream to study your dream world, what a waste of effort and time... think of all the god believers, what a myth god would start to seem to them, think about how many times you've gotten angry or sad, or have made someone angry or sad, think of how many times you have dreaded death. I guess such theories can make us realize how silly life is, these theories are shouting in our faces to live life not caring a lot, having as much fun as we can, ignoring anything that makes us sad, and to stop worrying and start living.

Don't take life so seriously, it might as well be a dream.

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