Saturday, July 13, 2013

5 interesting science fiction notions becoming a reality

 1.Time Travel:

There are so many science fiction movies that contain time travel and they are so marvelous, every human being has dreamt of having a time travel machine. Due to  Einstein's theories theoretical physics has proven that time travel is possible. But how? If you travel at a speed close to the speed of light time will slow down, and that is to protect the cosmic speed limit which is the speed of light (because nothing can go faster than it) and so let's assume that you want to travel in time, you get on board of a very advanced train. The trip starts and the train keeps accelerating until it reaches a speed near that of light. the train has to circle earth 7 times a second if it was traveling at the speed of light. Inside the train everything will seem normal, to you your watch is still ticking in the same rate and the length of the train is still the same, but to people watching from outside (if they could see anything) they would see your watch slow down and the train  shorter.  Let's say you started the trip in 2013, after a week of circling earth at a speed near the speed of light, you will get back to earth in 2113. Besides this isn't the only way for traveling to the future, a black hole is a time travel machine and wormholes are too. Wormholes are everywhere but they are very tiny so if we were able to enlarge these wormholes we can travel in time and space.


2. Teleportation:

 It is a very lovely notion, imaging you could travel from earth to mars instantaneously, or from earth to another galaxy without having to really "travel" this would be amazing. Actually the work on this started in the beginning of this century and it was possible due to a quantum property called quantum entanglement, it is a bond between two particles, if you change the properties of one the other will change also instantaneously no matter how far the particles are from each other. Today scientists are able to teleport particles instantaneously from one place to the other due to quantum entanglement. so if they were able to teleport particles will they some day be able to teleport humans?

3. Invisibility cloaks:

The idea is too good to be true maybe, but actually scientist have made a cloak that is able to bend light giving you the illusion of invisibility. Using meta materials which are artificial materials synthesized by humans, these materials can bend electromagnetic radiation and so they can bend light and this will cause the illusion of invisibility.

4. Flying humans and floating cars: 

Yes humans can fly! Maybe one day we will, it is possible, actually there are trains that travel on air hovering just above the track due to magnetism, they travel at up to 580 km/h, it is due to a quantum phenomenon called superconductivity, some ceramics like barium or copper oxide become superconducting when exposed to liquid nitrogen which will cool the ceramic to -200 degrees centigrade, the ceramic will now be able to induce powerful magnetic fields and when you place a magnet on top of the ceramic it will float because the magnet will induce a secondary magnetic field and the two magnetic fields will repel each other making the magnet float.

5. Space elevators: 

Imagine an elevator that reaches up to space. Seems like science fiction doesn't it? But it is possible using carbon nanotubes which can be suspended from the space to earth. Imagine how much easier and less expensive space travel will become if these elevators were invented in the future, they would be used to launch spaceships and  to send satellites into orbit around the earth at a very low cost.   

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