Friday, July 5, 2013

4 interesting laws that apply only to particles

1. A particle can exist in more that 1 place simultaneously: 

As interesting as it may sound, a particle actually exists in more than 1 place at the same time until an observer observes it. So, if that was true why don't we assume that we exist in more than one place at the same time, since we are made of these particles. More strangely, when you want to decide between two actions, let's say between heading right or heading left  if a neuron was responsible for the choice then you would do both at exactly the same time!


2. Particles can pop out of nothing: 

Physicists have found out that at the subatomic scale, a particle can pop out of nothing, and it can disappear and then reappear in some other place, that's why some assume that our universe popped out of nothing because at the beginning our universe was smaller than an atom, so quantum laws apply to it at this scale.

3. A particle is at the same time a wave:

When you observe the particle it acts like a particle having a definite place and a definite path, but when you aren't observing it the particle acts like a wave occupying all available places and going in all available paths simultaneously!

4. Your observation can affect the history and future of the particle: 

If a particle is moving to a certain place, without you observing it, acting as a wave, taking all possible paths simultaneously and then you decide to observe it at the end of the path, the particle will change it's whole path and will start acting like a particle, as if it goes back in time to its starting point and acts uniquely as a particle.

This was proved by the double slit experiment:

Particles were fired at a screen before which there is a wall having two slits, when scientists where observing the particles, a particle took either one path or the other, while when they weren't observing, the particle took all possible paths. another time the observers decided to observe just before the particles hit the screen, strangely the particles which were initially acting like waves, started acting as particles and as if going back in time, and decided to go in either one or the other slit! These results keep me thinking. Is our observation of the cosmos affecting its history and future?

It seems like the microscopic world is stranger than anything you could imagine, at this scale everything that seemed "logical" to us is shattered. But studying the microscopic world can lead us to understanding the macroscopic one, although it looks nothing like what we experience.Actually, as we are developing in science more and more we are discovering that reality is stranger than fiction.

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